How can one explain the figures of Petar Hranuelli

How can one explain the figures of Petar Hranuelli, in order for one to fully understand and experience the elegance of these nude females through his representational art, which are conventionally called Venus? Except for the usual motion around an object, this motion which creates a visual shape, we are also invited to create this motion with our palms. So we can better view the shapes and colors of every art form. The silky texture and feeling of each structure teases our fingers and palms. Every look and every touch of a statue brings new life to those who want to experience it. There are plenty of forms of representational art, many women in different positions. Without any schematics and without any stiff limits, only with the flexibility of the plastic materials that bring peace between the main materials and the way each structure is formed, Petar forms bodies that are of appropriate sizes and proportions. The exact symmetry of the structures are unecessary, but despite the free creation of mass on a torso, these body parts look natural. The ease of the volume of these structure is a result of a connection of organic and abstract forms. Formally, we can consider these women forms like a flow intersection, like its own node, or like its own spot where he can continue to grow and become an even better artist than he is now.
Hranuelli's Venus, as well as the other sculptures, are filled with power and are bright as the morning sun. They are filled with life and they create an intimate relationship between the viewer and the art piece itself. There is nothing else for us to do but follow and interpret the artist's meaning in his works, which blends into any type of atmosphere and makes it its own. The shape of the material (as well as its pigments) is created in such a way that it looks like a natural human being; like mother nature created it herself. However, if one were to look a little closer to the details, he would notice that, in fact, a human being actually created these elegant works of art. These statues each have their own style and character. They also have some God-like qualities to them. Their attributes are unavoidably connected to the prehistoric Venus, whose magical and fertile figure is rolled up in "one spheric package" - according to Willendorf, the writer. His Venus, whose size (11 cm) has received acclaim for its juvenile tensions.

Nikola Albaneže

Kako prići figurinama Petra Hranuellija

Kako prići figurinama Petra Hranuellija, kako što potpunije doživjeti te ženske aktove, konvencionalno nazvane Venerama?

Petar Hranuelli, "Velebitska venera"

Osim na uobičajeno kretanje oko objekta,kretanje koje stvara oblike u vizuelnom iskustvu,pozvani smo također da ih okrećemo na dlanu. Da pored promatrača budemo i mjeritelji obujma i njegovatelji površina. Osijetljivim jagodicama prstiju i toplim dlanom obgrljujemo tijela koja uzvraćaju svojom prilagodljivošću i podatnošću. Uzajamno se epiderme tkiva i kamena uvjetuju svojstvenom im taktilnošću. Tako su ti stari oblici-stari po iskonskom prisustvu u čovjekovu stvaralaštvu-uvijek novi ako ih neprestano obogaćuju novi pogledi i dodiri.
Doista,koliko aktova toliko raznovrsnih položaja. Bez ikakve shematičnosti i bez krute egzaktnosti, a samo s osjetilnom gipkošću skromnih plastika u kojima je pomirena suprotstavljenost elementarnog materijala i osmišljenost oblikovanja,Petar stvara tijela osobitih mjera i proporcija. Simetrija je tu izlišna, ali unatoč slobodnom rasporedu masa ili ponekoj snažnijoj torziji, ova torza ipak ne prkose prirodi. Njihova lakoća volumena rezultat je naročita spoja organskih i ujedno apstraktnih formi. U formalnom pogledu te ženske korpuse možemo shvatiti kao sjecišta tokova, kao njihovo nabreklo čvorište, odnosno kao ishodišnu točku daljnjeg razvijanja tih silnica.

Petar Hranuelli, "Venera na romobilu"

Hranuellijeve Venere, te skulpture dlana( poneka i momačke podlaktice ili djevojačkog krila ) , vesele i pune snage, vedre poput jutarnjeg svjetla, životne su i bremenite-pružaju nam se privlačeći namjernika, otvaruju svoju intimu u snažnom plodonosnom ritmu. Ne preostaje nam nego popratiti, likovno pročitati,tu potpunu integraciju njihovih tijela u prostoru osvojenom rastom,stasom i dinamičkim okretom.

Oblik je svakako podčinjen materijalu ( tek ponegdje uočavamo suzdržano naneseni pigment ) do stupnja da govorimo o prirodnosti oblika-oblutka; kao da ih je oformila abrazivnost prirodnih sila. Nešto izražajnija prisutnost djelovanja ruke nalazi se na jednoliko i oporo ornamentiranim površinama.

Stilizacijom statue poprimaju karakter simbola,kao da zadobivaju ponešto od božanskih prerogativa. Njihove tipske značajke neizbježno ih povezuju s prethistorijskim Venerama, s magijskim figurama plodnosti “ Sva je u jednoj loptastoj okruglini “- reći će pisac za Willendorfsku Veneru koja je svojom veličinom ( 11cm) i kompaktnošću drevna sestra malih Hranuellijevih Venera; tek su ove potonje usvojile i nesputani plesni pokret juvenilne napetosti.

Nikola Albaneže

Petar Hranuelli, "Radosna"